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10 Top Challenges of Property Managers

Despite the continuous stream of innovation and efforts made by real estate professionals to add a new dimension to the housing market, the basic tasks of a property manager are considered to be rather annoying and exhausting owing to several practical day-to-day challenges. These practical dilemmas may be valid for a number of reasons. These […]

15 duties of a residential property manager

Property managers serve as trusted advisors who can solve problems relating to properties and increase revenue and profitability. Those who pursue this field take on a variety of responsibilities and benefits, making it a good choice for people who enjoy teamwork and leading people. Here is a look at the various duties of a property […]

اختیارات و وظایف اصلی مدیر ساختمان- مدیریت هوشمندانه ساختمان

همانطور که یک کشور به رهبر حرفه ای و لایق نیاز دارد، جوامع کوچک مانند ساختمان ها نیز به این فرد احتیاج دارند. برای اینکه آپارتمان نشینان در کنار یکدیگر اوقات خوبی را سپری کنند و بدون مشکل در یک ساختمان زندگی کنند، باید به همچین فردی اعتماد کرده و روابط خوبی با وی برقرار […]